2009 Essay Competition |
3-й Всебританский конкурс сочинений на русском языке
The competition was organised by the Russian Committee of the Association for Language Learning (ALL) in partnership with the Russian Teachers’ Group UK and with the support of many Russian-interest organisations in UK, listed below. This year, the competition attracted 219 participants from all sectors: it was open to school, college and university students at all levels of Russian; and there was a separate category for heritage learners. Near-beginners were invited to submit posters to encourage participation from a wider field. The winners were awarded £100 in cash (1st prize), theatre tickets, books, audio books, music CDs, DVDs and multimedia courses. All participants received certificates; and 10 entrants who were selected randomly were offered free tickets to the “Magnificence of the Tsars” Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Entries were judged by: Eugenia Clark (City Literary Institute in London), Goutta Snetkov (Adult Education Sector), Steve Banbury (Walkden High Language College), Julia Arabi (Raduga Programmes Ltd) and Claire Wilkinson (University of Birmingham); all agreed that the standard of entries was extremely high. The 2009 essay competition was sponsored by: The Russian Centre for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation (www.rusintercenter.ru), the Young Vic theatre (www.youngvic.org), the Victoria and Albert Museum (www.vam.ac.uk), The Scotland-Russia Forum (www.scotlandrussiaforum.org), CREES-University of Birmingham (www.crees.bham.ac.uk/), The Russian Society at the University of Sussex (www.sussex.ac.uk), Ruslan Limited (www.ruslan.co.uk), Grant and Cutler (www.grantandcutler.com), UK Friends of the Hermitage (www.hermitagefriends.org) and Angliya (newspaper - www.angliya.com). |
Copyright The Russian Teachers' Group 2013